ReCreate Church meets Sundays at 10AM at   East Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA.

Within about a mile, tune to 103.9 FM for the live broadcast.

Please help us keep our inside services going by observing common sense practices. If you are sick or might have been exposed to Covid or other contagious illnesses, please stay home, or enjoy the service from your car through the radio broadcast, or join virtually through the pocast or youtube channel.
We gather at “The Lord’s Corner” 105 East Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA, at the intersection of US 52/58, beside Pizza Hut. Additional parking at Clark Gas & Oil.
During these challenging times, we all need to pull together!  If you have needs, we might be able to help!  Reach out to us at

You are WELCOME, you are WANTED, you are LOVED!


Questions people ask about ReCreate …

What time does ReCreate meet, and where?  We meet on Sundays at 10 AM.  At “The Lord’s Corner”, at the intersection of US-52/58, beside Pizza Hut. The street address is 105 East Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA 24343.  Additional parking is available in the adjacent lots.

What should I wear?  We get asked this question a lot!  And the answer is … just wear clothes!  Most people dress very casually.

What are the services like?  We seek to make every service authentic, engaging, and relevant to your daily life.  Most services include music, multimedia, and a message from God’s Word.  The main service lasts about an hour. And there is coffee and food in the Hospitality area before and after the service!

Is it awkward for visitors?  No way! We know it can be kind of intimidating to visit a new Church for the first time, so we make it easy on you!  We won’t single you out.  You can be as anonymous as you like.  We have a saying: “No matter your story, you are Welcome, you are Wanted, you are Loved!”

Is there something for my kids?  Yes!  RC Kidz is a ministry focused on meeting the spiritual needs of kids from Pre-K through 2nd Grade.  This takes place at the same time as the 10AM service.  We have a safe and secure check-in and check-out system – the safety and security of your children is a priority to us!  We encourage you to let your children take part in RC Kidz – it is designed to teach on their level.  They will be happier, and you will be more at ease.  The RC Kidz check-in station is located in the Hospitality Area.  Look for Jerry the Bear!

Am I expected to give?  If you are just checking us out, there is no pressure to give. We don’t pass a plate.  Our regular attendees give their weekly tithes and offerings by placing them in one of our tall wooden giving boxes.  These are located by the main exit doors and in the Hospitality Area. The most convenient way to give is to set up at regular contribution through the app. You can find it in the app store on your smartphone or device. It is safe and secure.

What does ReCreate believe?  Even if you aren’t ready to believe what we believe, you are welcome among us!  We are distinctly Christian in our beliefs and practices and hold to the Bible as God’s Word and our guide.  For a more detailed explanation of what we believe, click here.  If you have specific questions, you may contact us at

Time and Location



Meeting at “The Lord’s Corner”

105 East Stuart Drive, Hillsville, VA 24343

You can find us at the intersection of Us-52/58, beside Pizza Hut.  Additional parking in adjacent lots. You can tune to 103.9 FM to pick up the live broadcast. The range of our transmitter is about a mile.